Affordability Calculator

Estimate your loan preapproval amount based on your income and expenses.

Estimate how much home you can afford

Enter your annual income before taxes. Self employed? Average the last 2 years.

Annual Income Line Item Breakdown

Wages, Salary, or Self-Employment Earnings
Commissions, Overtime, or Bonuses
Allimony and Child Support Income
Interest earnings, brokerage accounts, stocks, etc.
any additional income
Enter the monthly total you pay for debts like car payments, credit card minimums or student loans. This does not include current rent or mortgage payments.

Monthly Debt Line Item Breakdown

car payments, auto insurance, car repairs, and maintenance.
monthly spend on groceries, carry out, and eating out.
Enter your down payment amount
Select your credit score range
A home price up to
$ 0
would be affordable with this budget.
DTI (Debt to Income ratio) is the ratio of your major monthly debt payments to your gross monthly income. A DTI ratio greater than 41 percent can require closer scrutiny.

Monthly Budget Breakdown:

  • $0
  • $0
  • $0
  • $0 This is your remaining gross monthly income after making your major monthly debt payments, including the new mortgage. For the purposes of savings and additional expenses, remember this is a pre-tax figure that doesn’t reflect your monthly net income.
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